"Buried in Snow"

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The Challenge

There was quite a lot of snow when I woke up one morning and I fancied a walk in the local castle grounds. I expected there to be a lot of untouched snow there and the idea to compose myself sinking in it just came into my head so off I went with my camera and tripod.

The Solution

I knew pretty much what I wanted in my head before I got there. I wanted a composition of me sinking waist deep in fresh snow so all I had to do was find a spot and set up the scene. I found a nice little clearing off one of the paths down to the lake. It was untouched, surrounded by trees and there was good natural light shining in on it.

I setup my camera, tripod and new remote switch and focused on the spot where I planned to stand then went and posed for the shot. I then took another one without me in it. Back in the studio I adjusted both photos in RAW then combined them to get myself alone on a new layer. I then cut off my legs, cloned some snow up around my waist and manually painted some snow on my body using various brush types and sizes. Finally I added some falling snow manually and done some colour adjustments and vignette to give a darkish scene.

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